Global demand for rice genetic resources Global demand for rice genetic resources October 6, 2022 by Nelissa Jamora and Venuprasad Ramaiah This study was motivated by a need to document and understand...Read More
Impact of cropping system diversification on productivity and resource-use efficiencies of smallholder farmers in south-central Bangladesh Impact of cropping system diversification on productivity and resource-use efficiencies of smallholder farmers in south-central Bangladesh September 23, 2022 by Shah-Al Emran, Timothy Krupnik, Sreejith Aravindakshan, Virender Kumar, and Cameron Pittelkow The government of Bangladesh has...Read More
The importance of market signals in crop varietal development: Lessons from Komboka rice variety The importance of market signals in crop varietal development: Lessons from Komboka rice variety September 19, 2022 by Mary Ng’endo, MaryLiza Kinyua, Lourine Chebet, Samuel Mutiga, Joseph Ndung’u, Oliver Nyongesa, Simon Njau, Ajay Panchbhai,...Read More
Modification of nutrient requirements for a four crop-based cropping system to increase system productivity, maintain soil fertility, and achieve sustainable intensification Modification of nutrient requirements for a four crop-based cropping system to increase system productivity, maintain soil fertility, and achieve sustainable intensification September 2, 2022 by Md. Abdul Quddus, Md. Babul Anwar, Md. Khairul Alam, Razu Ahmed, Khokan Kumer Sarker, Md. Anarul...Read More
Restoration of rice ecosystem services: Ecological engineering for pest management incentives and practices in the Mekong Delta Region of Vietnam Restoration of rice ecosystem services: Ecological engineering for pest management incentives and practices in the Mekong Delta Region of Vietnam August 26, 2022 In southern Vietnam, government support has facilitated the adoption of ecological engineering for pest management by thousands...Read More
From Green Super Rice to green agriculture: Reaping the promise of functional genomics research From Green Super Rice to green agriculture: Reaping the promise of functional genomics research August 19, 2022 To enhance crop production in a sustainable manner, Green Super Rice (GSR) was proposed as a new...Read More
TAR VATTAR DSR: An eco-friendly weed-control and water-conservation technology for direct-seeded rice TAR VATTAR DSR: An eco-friendly weed-control and water-conservation technology for direct-seeded rice August 5, 2022 2 Compared to the high cost of labor and inputs for the transplanted rice cropping system, the improved...Read More
The impact of the International Rice Genebank on rice farming in Bangladesh The impact of the International Rice Genebank on rice farming in Bangladesh July 22, 2022 The findings of this study demonstrate the valuable contribution of IRG’s conservation and distribution of genetic accessions...Read More
Conservation agriculture for rice-based intensive cropping by smallholders in the Eastern Gangetic Plain Conservation agriculture for rice-based intensive cropping by smallholders in the Eastern Gangetic Plain July 4, 2022 In a recent review paper on the practice of conservation agriculture (i.e., minimum mechanical soil disturbance, organic...Read More
Integrated weed management in dry-seeded basmati rice in Pakistan Integrated weed management in dry-seeded basmati rice in Pakistan June 24, 2022 Because of the simultaneous emergence of weeds and rice in direct-seeded rice (DSR), weeds are more problematic...Read More