March 3, 2025

4 thoughts on “The legacy of Randy Barker: agricultural economist, water-use investigator, leader, teacher, and mentor

  1. My deepest sympathy to the Barker family. Dr Barker had guided me in my career as an Ag Economist. I met Dr Barker and his wife at UPLB AGEC dept way back in 1965.

  2. Randy was an avid Major League Baseball fan—especially the Boston Red Sox, a team that routinely beat my team—the Cleveland Indians. He was truly excited when the Bosox finally won a World Series a few years back, breaking the curse of the Bambino—Babe Ruth—who was traded by Boston to the New York Yankees!

  3. Randy was a member of the Cornell faculty in what we now call the Dyson School (at that time simply the Ag Econ Dept) when I joined in 1978. His office was across the hall from mine. Frankly I was a bit intimidated by him, but, as we were both early risers, we got to know one another in those hours before other folks arrived. Over time, I came to know him as both unassuming and intellectually engaging. He had a certain absent-minded professor aura about him but also a quick mind and no end of stories he would be delighted to share if given half a chance. Also, I came to find out that he was a very decent and caring fellow. He is a great example of what made Cornell so impactful in agriculture and agricultural economics in the mid 20th Century – solid science and methods blended with real world knowledge that together could make a difference in people’s lives.

  4. Randy was our boss when Tom Wickham recruited me to form the Water Management Section of the Economics Dept at IRRI. Randy was a great supporter of water management.

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