Finding meaningful work in the developing world with rice I ended up at IRRI in a quite roundabout way. I actually came into science late in my career....

As part of IRRI’s 50th anniversary celebrations, three speakers from the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) and PhilRice concurred that the Philippines can be self-sufficient in rice. “The Philippines could become self-sufficient in rice now if farmers adopted existing technologies such as improved varieties, and know-how,” said the deputy director general...

Imported and local rice at a market in Cotonou in the Republic of Benin. (Image collection of IRRI) Global rice prices started moving upward in November...

As long as there’s enough water to grow rice, Australia’s highly efficient rice industry achieves some of the highest yields in the world. (Photos:...

Hybrid rice technology developed at IRRI has clearly demonstrated yields that are 1–1.5 tons per hectare higher than modern inbred varieties in farmers’...

On the Danyi plateau in Togo, villagers still bless newly-wed couples by sprinkling rice grains over their heads. They use indigenous African rice, which...

A sunburned grain: Australian drought portends global water scarcity Stamps of approval Pockets of gold in Africa ...