April 1, 2025

2 thoughts on “Carolyn Moomaw, spouse of IRRI’s first agronomist and a scientist in her own right, passes away

  1. Carolyn and Jim were both amazing human beings. We met them when we arrived at IITA in 1972. Without them those first few days and weeks would have been very difficult indeed, but they smoothed our settling in with seeming ease and we all continued to enjoy their company … it was a sad day when they left for AVRDC in Taiwan. Later I was lucky enough to meet up with Carolyn at several reunions either for IITA or IRRI and it was always wonderful to see her again and here how interestingly her life continued. She was an inspiration. Fond memories to all her family, Alice

  2. Hi: Johny, Martin, Charlie and Billy:

    I was your Father’s Jim Moomaw’s First Graduate student at U.H. and Associate Agronomist at IRRI , Jim’s Deputy , from Jan 1964 thru 1969 until Jim left for Nigeria and I continued at IRRI thru June of 1991 and left for Virginia Tech. Last I saw your father JIM was in his Hospital Bed at Sloane Kittening in New York. He was in good spirit. Jim and your Mom Carloyn ( with whom I served on the Board Chair of ARFUSA Rice Foundation Board). My memories on Jim and Carolyn are of gratitude for their kindness and confidence in me to serve IRRI under his leadership. Rest is history.. Please accept my heartfelt condolense for the loss of your Mom, Carloyn who always had an infectious kind smile on her face, My wife Vijji is joining me in sending her condolence as well. Let her soul rest in peace. I hope and pray you four Moomaws will now continue to sustain and advance the good work your parents have done at IRRI, IITA, and at AVRDC. and your mom on the ARFUSA Board.

    Our best wishes and love for you four and your families and prayers for your late parents good souls.

    Dr. S.K. and Vijji De Datta, skdedatta@gmail.com. cell; 1-530-574-5894. Pricipal Sceintist, Agronomist and Head Department of IRRI, Program Leader Rainfed Lowland Rice Ecosystem. (1964-June 1991).

    Associate Vice President for International Affairs and the Director of the Office of International Research, Education, and Development, Virginia Tech ( From June , 1991 thru November 2011). At present: Emeritus Professor of Agronomy , Virginia Tech.

    Home Address: 4388 El Camino Real, Unit #239. Los Altos, CA, 94022

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