CGIAR Initiatives work together to streamline strategies for genetic innovations and market intelligence

 Rice Today   |  

The GIAR research initiatives, Seed Equal and Market Intelligence, hosted a reflection and planning workshop at the International Livestock Research Institute in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to identify lessons learned from 2022, set the objectives and expectations in 2023 in terms of outputs and impact, achieve integration between the two research initiatives, and promote scientific exchange.

One of the goals of Seed Equal for 2023 is to develop strong impact assessment strategies for the Genetic Innovation (GI) Action Area.  For Market Intelligence, there is a plan to operationalize the Global Market Intelligence Platform, which will become the priority-setting information hub for GI by integrating three levels of prioritization: global, market segment, and breeding pipeline. Both efforts are anticipated to support adoption amongst stakeholders and increase the services’ value to users.

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