March 13, 2025

1 thought on “Conservation agriculture for rice-based intensive cropping by smallholders in the Eastern Gangetic Plain

  1. just now seeing this . interesting but it still does not broach the elephant in the room that most S Asia and maybe SE Asia CA researchers have avoided how CA does or does not fit into rice based systems monsoonal. Yes 2WT VMP strip till, 4WT tine, and happy seeders can and do well in the other than rice categories and Indian farmers have enthusiastically embraced ZT winter-dry season wheat etc in India but after years of no-till rice research researchers current main recommendations for adoption in India and Nepal for monsoon rain fed rice is non-puddled full shallow tillage with single pass followed by direct seeding rice with drill. It has problems but there are areas under adoption. And there is evidence that this method also bringing some soil benefits. Some programs in India and this one by ACIAR program in Bangladesh work on reduced till and ZT rice with rice transplanters but after almost 2 decades after their introduction their transplanters numbers/sales are still very small still. In India area reported by FAO as CA area (after they give the FAO definition to CA) is 2.4 million. Most area of the “FAO CA” is in rice base systems which is definitely not FAO CA but could be reduced till, non-puddled rice. Much more discussion and much more research obviously needed.

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