Effective plant health management requires holistic approaches that focus on preventing entry, establishment, and spread of invasive pests and pathogens,...

Agricultural diversity can be beneficial for environmental health, resilience, and food production. Biodiverse cropping systems can suppress pests more...

AfricaRice News Release Striga aspera on rice in Cote d’Ivoire. (Photo: AfricaRice) An international team of researchers representing the Africa...

Pests should be critically reassessed and proven guilty before insecticide use is contemplated. This was my conclusion in 1994 with the late Professor...

Rice is life for nearly 3.5 billion people around the globe, especially in Asia, but, before people came to dominate the Asian landscape, many organisms...

A wasp larvae is a parasite that attacks cutworm larva. (Photo: Friends Of The Rice Farmer: Helpful Insects, Spiders, And Pathogens) Rice farmers, like...