February 14, 2025

Training & education

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5 thoughts on “Training & education

  1. please could you provide us with training module for helping to train African farmers to plant rice. I will like to attend your training workshops in the nearest future.I work for the Pan African food aid programme a continental non governmental organization

  2. Hi,
    I am exploring possibility of increasing production in my rice fields.
    I am newbie to farming itself.
    Basically I want to start learning about best practices for managing paddy fields.
    Do you have any content to share.
    I am engineer as a professional and does not possess enough background of farming biology but I am from a farmer’s family wanting to improve standard of life for my rest of family through farming. My family own a farm ( 8 acre land ) in Maharashtra , India and we cultivate it every year.

  3. +2348033307684
    I am a farmer and seeds out grower of rice. I wanted to enhance my knowledge and experience on seeds and rice production, can you provide me with your training calendar and suggest the relevant course to attend including the fees to be charged.


  4. New in the business of growing rice. I need more training and hand on practical to enhance my productivity.
    I be glad participating in future training, having good yield breed and if possible loans in order to expand my farming activities.

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