Advancing Direct-Seeded Rice with Modern Phenotyping Facilities Advancing Direct-Seeded Rice with Modern Phenotyping Facilities February 27, 2025 By Dr. Shalabh Dixit, Xenina Ibabao, Myrtel Valenzuela IRRI has revolutionized rice breeding for direct-seeded rice (DSR)...Read More
EasyIDP: A Python package for intermediate data processing in UAV-based plant phenotyping EasyIDP: A Python package for intermediate data processing in UAV-based plant phenotyping August 10, 2021 The objective of the proposed software package EasyIDP (easy intermediate data processor) is to address previously identified...Read More
Host resistance, tolerance, and vulnerability determine levels of field damage from a complex of Asian rice stem borers Host resistance, tolerance, and vulnerability determine levels of field damage from a complex of Asian rice stem borers April 21, 2021 2 Rice yield losses due to stem borers and the choice by farmers to predominantly use insecticides to...Read More
Plant phenomics: unlocking the potential of rice diversity Plant phenomics: unlocking the potential of rice diversity August 3, 2017 The emerging field of plant phenomics combines biology, engineering, and data analytics to overcome laborious, expensive, and,...Read More