Why does everyone hate the Thai rice mortgage scheme? Why does everyone hate the Thai rice mortgage scheme? November 5, 2012 The Thai rice mortgage scheme continues to receive a fair amount of media bashing even after completing...Read More
IRRI in Lao PDR IRRI in Lao PDR October 18, 2012 In Lao PDR, rice production is an important livelihood of 724,000 farmers. Rice production is an important livelihood...Read More
Letting nature manage its battles Letting nature manage its battles October 6, 2012 The efforts to manage rice pests such as planthoppers have taken on a simple message: let nature...Read More
Eyes on the prize Eyes on the prize September 19, 2012 Rice farmers all over the world are using new and improved technologies. And, to some degree, these technologies...Read More
Weeding out a rice impostor Weeding out a rice impostor July 20, 2012 For many years, rice has been an important part of Sri Lankan culture and it is also...Read More
Knee-deep in mud Knee-deep in mud July 18, 2012 Rice research has helped many countries feed their people, but its successes account for only a small part...Read More
Banking seeds Banking seeds April 24, 2012 3 In Arakan Valley, the upland “rice belt” of North Cotabato, Philippines, farmers hold dear a rice variety—Dinorado,...Read More
That rice you throw away That rice you throw away April 12, 2012 A family of five cooks a kilogram of rice in a pot for breakfast. Somebody forgets about it...Read More
Heirloom in the mountains Heirloom in the mountains April 12, 2012 In the Philippines, the second phase of the Cordillera Highland Agricultural Resource Management Project (CHARMP2) works to...Read More
The first lady of rice The first lady of rice March 25, 2012 Don’t let the lady beetle’s adorable appearance fool you. These beetles, both adults and their larvae, are...Read More