October 28, 2024

3 thoughts on “Researchers use drones to study nutrient status, greenhouse gas emissions of rice crop

  1. Hi! This is Doritz Thian, a research student from Malaysia. Would like to know if i can get access to the publication on the above research.

    Thanks !!

  2. I would to understand how you use the raw images collected to convert to accurate numerical data.

    What is the methodology use supplement the drone data and the type of plant sampling taken.

    1. Hi Rosita,
      The imagery is processed using software to create orthomosaics, digital surface models, and reflectance maps for the whole field. The pixel data is then extracted for each plot and analyzed to calculate vegetation indices like NDVI, NDRE, VARI etc… which are correlated with field collected data like biomass, nitrogen content, and percent cover. The digital surface model (DSM) is used to measure canopy height. Models can then be developed using this type of data collected over time to predict rice growth and yield responses to various environmental and biological conditions.

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