Australia to import rice due to drought Australia to import rice due to drought July 8, 2020 Almost 90% of Australian rice growers will not plant rice this season due to years of severe...Read More
In retrospect: IRRI Annual Report 1975 In retrospect: IRRI Annual Report 1975 July 6, 2020 We now know that conservatism—the reluctance of farmers to accept new ideas—only partly explains the low adoption...Read More
Cuba’s rice production falls short of consumption needs Cuba’s rice production falls short of consumption needs July 2, 2020 Cuba’s rice output in 2020 of 162,000 tons is insufficient to meet the 700,000 tons of rice...Read More
Transgenic rice developed as potential hypertension cure Transgenic rice developed as potential hypertension cure July 1, 2020 Researchers at the Chinese Academy of Sciences have developed transgenic rice that contains a gene that enables...Read More
With the wind beneath our wings, we soar together and higher With the wind beneath our wings, we soar together and higher June 30, 2020 The Farmer Producer Company has ushered in a new era of farming practices with tangible socio-economic benefits...Read More
Farmers’ participation is key to faster rice varietal replacement in Odisha Farmers’ participation is key to faster rice varietal replacement in Odisha June 29, 2020 There are several reasons for low varietal replacement rates. These include the lack of extension services and...Read More
In retrospect: IRRI Annual Report 1974 In retrospect: IRRI Annual Report 1974 June 26, 2020 During 1974, we at IRRI have given considerable thought to how we can more effectively help the...Read More
“Alarming” use of human antibiotics for controlling rice diseases “Alarming” use of human antibiotics for controlling rice diseases June 25, 2020 A survey of agricultural advisers in 32 countries showed that many of them are prescribing human antibiotics...Read More
Rodents threaten direct-seeded rice fields in Punjab Rodents threaten direct-seeded rice fields in Punjab June 24, 2020 Due to a shortage of agricultural labor, many rice farmers in the Indian state of Punjab are...Read More
Good monsoon season to drive India’s rice production to a record high Good monsoon season to drive India’s rice production to a record high June 23, 2020 Good monsoon rains and higher government buying price could help India’s rice production to surge to a...Read More