Narrowing maize yield gaps in the rainfed plateau region of Odisha Narrowing maize yield gaps in the rainfed plateau region of Odisha June 17, 2022 The low average maize yield in the state of Odisha is associated with nutrient-depleted lateritic soils, high...Read More
Precision land leveling for sustainable rice production: Case studies in Cambodia, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, and India Precision land leveling for sustainable rice production: Case studies in Cambodia, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, and India May 17, 2022 Laser land leveling strongly complements sustainable rice production practices as it can help increase water, seed, and...Read More
Weed management in dry direct-seeded rice: A review on challenges and opportunities for sustainable rice production Weed management in dry direct-seeded rice: A review on challenges and opportunities for sustainable rice production May 4, 2022 Dry direct-seeded rice (DDSR) offers several advantages: rapid planting, easy mechanization, less labor and water requirement, and...Read More
Compatibility of insecticides with rice resistance to planthoppers as influenced by timing and frequency of applications Compatibility of insecticides with rice resistance to planthoppers as influenced by timing and frequency of applications April 27, 2022 Planthopper outbreaks are associated with insecticide use and researchers have looked for alternative methods to manage these...Read More
The role of CGIAR Germplasm Health Units in averting endemic crop diseases: the example of rice blast in Bangladesh The role of CGIAR Germplasm Health Units in averting endemic crop diseases: the example of rice blast in Bangladesh March 22, 2022 Germplasm Health Units (GHUs) are institutional phytosanitary units of the CGIAR designed to facilitate bioresource transfer for...Read More
Farmers’ participatory evaluation of alternate wetting and drying irrigation method on greenhouse gas emission, water productivity, and paddy yield in Bangladesh Farmers’ participatory evaluation of alternate wetting and drying irrigation method on greenhouse gas emission, water productivity, and paddy yield in Bangladesh February 15, 2022 Due to Bangladesh’s frequent water shortages, sufficient water to irrigate rice fields is increasingly scarce. Additionally, due...Read More
An assessment of irrigated rice cultivation with different crop establishment practices in Vietnam An assessment of irrigated rice cultivation with different crop establishment practices in Vietnam February 11, 2022 Crop establishment, which often receives insufficient attention, is one of the major rice production operations that should...Read More
Determinants in the adoption of alternate wetting and drying technique for rice production in a gravity surface irrigation system in the Philippines Determinants in the adoption of alternate wetting and drying technique for rice production in a gravity surface irrigation system in the Philippines February 4, 2022 In Asia, AWD technology is a well-known low-cost water-saving technique for irrigated rice. Despite the potential benefits...Read More
Mitigating greenhouse gas emissions from irrigated rice cultivation through improved fertilizer and water management Mitigating greenhouse gas emissions from irrigated rice cultivation through improved fertilizer and water management January 28, 2022 Annually, Bangladesh consumes about 2.9 million metric tons of urea and about 60% of this is used...Read More
Carbon Footprint Calculator customized for rice products: Concept and characterization of rice value chains in Southeast Asia Carbon Footprint Calculator customized for rice products: Concept and characterization of rice value chains in Southeast Asia January 14, 2022 The ability to quantify GHG emissions along the entire value chain from farm to shelf for a...Read More