Smallholder rice farmers in Guangdong Province reap more benefits with less fertilizer Smallholder rice farmers in Guangdong Province reap more benefits with less fertilizer April 20, 2020 A survey of rice farmers in Guangdong Province in China showed perceived positive livelihood changes and increased...Read More
Managing sheath blight and drought in rice using Trichoderma Managing sheath blight and drought in rice using Trichoderma April 6, 2020 The exploitation of microbes plays an important role in mitigating the effect of environmental stresses and pests...Read More
Agricultural mechanization shaping the future of Burundi’s rice sector Agricultural mechanization shaping the future of Burundi’s rice sector February 12, 2020 For many African countries like Burundi, agricultural mechanization can be a transformative tool for achieving food security...Read More
Developing a new model for quality rice seed production for Odisha’s farmers Developing a new model for quality rice seed production for Odisha’s farmers January 8, 2020 3 . Quality seed is not only the most basic input, but it also influences how the crop...Read More
Sustainable Rice Straw Management book now available for download Sustainable Rice Straw Management book now available for download December 2, 2019 Sustainable Rice Straw Management is an open access book that provides a wide array of options for rice straw...Read More
Hydroponics rice paddy nursery: An innovative twist on growing rice in India Hydroponics rice paddy nursery: An innovative twist on growing rice in India November 18, 2019 23 Promoting the wider use of hydroponics paddy nursery can help Indian rice farmers save significant amounts of...Read More
A resistant variety and a biological fungicide show promise in controlling rice blast in Cambodia A resistant variety and a biological fungicide show promise in controlling rice blast in Cambodia September 4, 2019 A resistant variety and a fungus used as a treatment for blast disease offer Cambodian farmers a...Read More
Alien invasion! Alien invasion! August 7, 2019 The rice eel, an invasive alien species, has become a slippery problem for many farmers in Northern...Read More
Turning rice into wheat: The U.S. origins of large-scale, capital-intensive rice production (1885-1915) Turning rice into wheat: The U.S. origins of large-scale, capital-intensive rice production (1885-1915) March 18, 2019 Farmers in North America met the pressing competitive challenges they faced in the late 19th century through...Read More
Returning to a life with a future Returning to a life with a future March 11, 2019 The journey of tribal farmers in Tamil Nadu, India who escaped the clutches of debt by pursuing...Read More