Farmers in the Barabanki Region of Uttar Pradesh started cultivating peppermint to improve their profits. Peppermint is a short-term cash crop that fits...

In rice, there has been very limited research on genetic gain in Asia in general, and in Bangladesh, no studies have been done yet, even though rice is...

Providing a relative magnitude of returns to investments is important for donors so that they can see whether payoffs still exist to fund this type of...

By enabling farmers to reduce their losses and add value to their traditional rice varieties with modern technology, the Heirloom Rice Project helped improve...

The Farmer Producer Company has ushered in a new era of farming practices with tangible socio-economic benefits and more, especially for the women farmers. ...

There are several reasons for low varietal replacement rates. These include the lack of extension services and access to newly developed high-yielding,...

Increasing cropping intensity in fallow lands could substantially improve food production and enhance the livelihoods of rural communities in Odisha. ...

Sahbhagi dhan and other drought-tolerant rice varieties can be viable and deliverable technologies for reducing poverty in drought-prone areas in Eastern...

IRRI will continue to be the center of excellence in rice science. We have to continue to play that vital role in the same sense. In the future, we have...

The cultivation of rice ratoon crops has not gained widespread use because of its typically unpredictable and low yields. New research has shown that,...