Water management for food security: How does IRRI contribute? Water management for food security: How does IRRI contribute? March 21, 2025 by Bushra Humaira Sadaf, Ahmad Salahuddin, Gio Karlo Evangelista, Manoranjan Mondal On World Water Day 2025, the...Read More
Irrigating with cooler water does not reverse high temperature impact on grain yield and quality in hybrid rice Irrigating with cooler water does not reverse high temperature impact on grain yield and quality in hybrid rice October 11, 2023 by Wanju Shi, Xinzhen Zhang, Juan Yang et al. High temperatures cause significant yield losses in major...Read More
Farmers’ participatory evaluation of alternate wetting and drying irrigation method on greenhouse gas emission, water productivity, and paddy yield in Bangladesh Farmers’ participatory evaluation of alternate wetting and drying irrigation method on greenhouse gas emission, water productivity, and paddy yield in Bangladesh February 15, 2022 Due to Bangladesh’s frequent water shortages, sufficient water to irrigate rice fields is increasingly scarce. Additionally, due...Read More
Carbon Footprint Calculator customized for rice products: Concept and characterization of rice value chains in Southeast Asia Carbon Footprint Calculator customized for rice products: Concept and characterization of rice value chains in Southeast Asia January 14, 2022 The ability to quantify GHG emissions along the entire value chain from farm to shelf for a...Read More
Disentangling challenges to scaling alternate wetting and drying technology for rice cultivation: Distilling lessons from 20 years of experience in the Philippines Disentangling challenges to scaling alternate wetting and drying technology for rice cultivation: Distilling lessons from 20 years of experience in the Philippines August 3, 2021 The review’s findings point to the importance of rethinking the boundaries and assumptions of scaling theory of...Read More
Crop diversification in rice-based systems in the polders of Bangladesh: Yield stability, profitability, and associated risk Crop diversification in rice-based systems in the polders of Bangladesh: Yield stability, profitability, and associated risk March 1, 2021 2 Bangladesh is ranked among the top 10 most climate-vulnerable countries in the world. Therefore, finding a resilient...Read More
Flag leaf findings could accelerate the breeding of high-yielding, water-efficient rice Flag leaf findings could accelerate the breeding of high-yielding, water-efficient rice January 27, 2021 As breeders continue to search for ways to improve crop varieties to enable farmers to sustainably produce...Read More
A physician-turned-farmer with a mission to modernize rice farming A physician-turned-farmer with a mission to modernize rice farming September 4, 2020 A medical doctor who is also a farmer not only adopted the laser land leveling technology but...Read More
New research investigates what hinders wide adoption and scaling of alternate wetting and drying in Bangladesh New research investigates what hinders wide adoption and scaling of alternate wetting and drying in Bangladesh June 15, 2020 Despite the widespread testing and promotion, alternate wetting and drying (AWD) has not been adopted in the...Read More
From Warige to WeRise: better water management is coming to rainfed rice areas of Indonesia From Warige to WeRise: better water management is coming to rainfed rice areas of Indonesia April 10, 2018 As climate patterns become more unpredictable, rice farmers are relying on a modern way of to forecast...Read More