Starving the foes: new ways to protect rice against diseases Starving the foes: new ways to protect rice against diseases July 20, 2017 Scientists are looking at an innovative approach and a potential strategy to make rice resistant against pathogens...Read More
Improving health and nutrition through rice science Improving health and nutrition through rice science July 14, 2017 Opportunities exist to improve the nutritional content of rice varieties to solve the micronutrient-deficiency problem affecting more...Read More
Increasing national rice yields to 6 tons/hectare in the Philippines and elsewhere Increasing national rice yields to 6 tons/hectare in the Philippines and elsewhere June 15, 2017 Self-financed farmer cooperatives are a viable strategy to increase irrigated rice area to attain a national yield...Read More
Future rice climates in Africa Future rice climates in Africa June 8, 2017 Future rice production and food security across Africa are under pressure as a result of climate change-induced...Read More
Rice: The pulse of life in Myanmar Rice: The pulse of life in Myanmar June 2, 2017 A partnership between researchers and smallholder farmers in lower Myanmar is improving agricultural profitability and productivity through...Read More
Reimagining agricultural education Reimagining agricultural education May 25, 2017 IRRI Education is the next evolutionary step for IRRI’s training program.Read More
RiceAdvice: An app tailor-made for African farmers RiceAdvice: An app tailor-made for African farmers May 17, 2017 A smart mobile crop management tool is helping farmers in Africa optimize their production and profits and...Read More
Drying rice is an art and a skill Drying rice is an art and a skill May 12, 2017 Taken by R. Raman© from the Africa Rice Center, the photo is the first runner-up in A...Read More
The global market post-2008 rice crisis era The global market post-2008 rice crisis era May 9, 2017 The 2007-08 rice price spike seems like a distant dream now considering the calmness in the rice...Read More
Laos village eyes sustainable rice production with quality and resilient seeds Laos village eyes sustainable rice production with quality and resilient seeds May 5, 2017 Rice farmers, researchers, and government extension workers have taken steps to solve the perennial need for quality...Read More