How can we boost production on existing rice lands, protect the environment, mitigate climate change impacts, and safeguard smallholder livelihoods all at the same time?

In 2015, the SRP launched the world’s first Standard for Sustainable Rice Cultivation together with a set of performance indicators to evaluate impact. The SRP and its members are now working toward market transformation through developing a private-sector assurance scheme as well as engaging at the policy level and via the international donor community to boost wide-scale adoption of climate-smart and sustainable best practices throughout rice value chains.
The SRP’s goal is to minimize environmental impacts of rice production and consumption, mitigate climate change impacts, and enhance smallholder income.
Over the next 5 years, through an alliance that drives innovation and creates shared value, the SRP aims to encourage one million rice smallholders to adopt sustainable best practices in rice production that will improve their income while supporting a healthy environment.
The programs and operations of the SRP are delivered in collaboration with its members, with support from the Advisory Committee, Secretariat, and Working Groups.
The Advisory Committee provides oversight to the SRP. This body, composed of representatives from government, the private sector, and nongovernment organizations, advises on the strategy and annual working plans and ensures that the platform achieves its objectives.
Three Working Groups focus on implementation of programs: (1) Communications, Outreach, and Resource Mobilization; (2) Public Sector Engagement; and (3) Farmer Support, Performance Measurement, and Assurance. Member institutions may contribute to more than one working group. The groups work toward a mandate given by the Plenary and the Advisory Committee.
The Secretariat supports the Advisory Committee and the Working Groups and is responsible for operational management of the SRP’s operations and administration.
Visit the SRP website to obtain the latest updates on activities related to sustainable rice production and find useful resources. Membership application details are likewise available on the website.
Dr. Ellis is the coordinator of the SRP.