Arsenic, cadmium, mercury, and lead are four ubiquitous trace elements known to have a harmful effect on human health. These elements are naturally present...

As the sun rises and casts its first beams of light over the experimental rice fields at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), there is a flurry...

A bundle of rice panicles is often used as a lucky charm for a bountiful new year. In this year’s first issue, Rice Today continues to bring together...

Before scientists ever started crossing different rice plants, farmers had inadvertently been at it for centuries. By the mid- 1800s, scientists were catching...

For many years, rice has been an important part of Sri Lankan culture and it is also the country’s invaluable and most accessible food source. On average,...

(Photo: Isagani Serrano) Hybrid rice has the potential to produce up to 30% more yield than the best-performing modern inbred varieties, thanks to A hybrid...

The wild relatives of rice are repositories of important traits that help breeders improve rice. (Photo: IRRI) Scientists are scouring the deep and “wild”...

Brown planthoppers pierce the plant stem and suck out the sap. (Photo: IRRI) In 2002, the Republic of Korea (South Korea) had four major problems in...

Rice breeders in sub- Saharan Africa are an endangered species, according to Dr. Moussa Sié, Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice) senior scientist. “Since...

Iron-enriched rice will soon contribute to reducing “hidden hunger.” (Photo: Kurniawan) Iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia cause...