Asia pushes for sustainable food security Asia pushes for sustainable food security January 7, 2011 The Asia Society and the International Rice Research Institute task force report, Never an Empty Bowl: Sustaining...Read More
The rise of rice The rise of rice January 7, 2011 Rice will never be just another commodity. Much of the truth behind this simple statement can be...Read More
Rice for future generations Rice for future generations January 7, 2011 The International Rice Research Institute, in partnership with AsiaCongress, held its Third International Rice Congress (IRC2010)...Read More
Mun-Hue Heu: Father of the Korean Green Revolution Mun-Hue Heu: Father of the Korean Green Revolution January 7, 2011 “Let’s increase food production without letting land stand idle,” Park Chung-Hee, then president of the Republic of...Read More
Getting a grasp on GRiSP and the future of rice science Getting a grasp on GRiSP and the future of rice science January 3, 2011 It is with great delight that I report to you that the Global Rice Science Partnership (GRiSP)...Read More
Rice Today Vol. 10, No. 1 (January-March 2011) Rice Today Vol. 10, No. 1 (January-March 2011) January 1, 2011 GRiSP Blueprint for a greener revolution No rust for rice Rice in the city Greener rice Quality...Read More
Carolina Gold and Carolina White rice: a genetic odyssey Carolina Gold and Carolina White rice: a genetic odyssey October 26, 2010 2 In 1982, Dr. César Martínez visited a rained rice-growing area near Tarapoto, in Peru’s upper Amazon Basin....Read More
2010 IRRI Outstanding Alumni 2010 IRRI Outstanding Alumni October 23, 2010 As part of the International Rice Research Institute’s (IRRI) 50th anniversary this year, IRRI established the 2010...Read More
The value of rice The value of rice October 21, 2010 Andrew Nelson and his team show us a glimpse of the world painted according to numbers, figures,...Read More
Developing new talents Developing new talents October 21, 2010 Kristal Jones, a former Peace Corps volunteer, recently found herself heading back to Asia, where she had...Read More