Putting rice on the African agenda Putting rice on the African agenda October 13, 2006 Rice was one of the cornerstones of the Asian Green Revolution. Will it play a similar role...Read More
Thinking outside the box Thinking outside the box October 13, 2006 The Alarm project will help researchers predict how climate change will affect rice-growing regions such as this...Read More
I remember Honda Rice I remember Honda Rice October 7, 2006 The Green Revolution in rice has been documented throughout much of Asia, but few think of Vietnam...Read More
Breeding history Breeding history October 7, 2006 2 Forty years ago, a remarkable rice-breeding project culminated in the release of a rice variety under an...Read More
Korea-IRRI collaboration multiplies benefits Korea-IRRI collaboration multiplies benefits July 13, 2006 As part of the “Top Rice Project” of the Republic of Korea’s Rural Development Administration (RDA), 25...Read More
Tricks of the trade Tricks of the trade July 12, 2006 The smattering of provocative headlines, appearing in recent issues of various Philippine daily newspapers, mirrors a basic...Read More
A rice future for Asia A rice future for Asia July 12, 2006 Rice and agriculture are still fundamental to the economic development of most Asian nations, not to mention...Read More
The direct approach The direct approach April 12, 2006 To understand the importance of rice farming to Bangladesh, look at the numbers. This densely populated country-more...Read More
Genuinely Lao Genuinely Lao April 12, 2006 In 1990, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) needed more food. The rice industry in particular...Read More
Back to the future Back to the future April 11, 2006 The Farming Systems Research Group at Khon Kaen University, in Thailand’s hardscrabble northeast, studies the evolution of...Read More