Promoting the wider use of hydroponics paddy nursery can help Indian rice farmers save significant amounts of water, land, labor, time, and other resources....

The 16-year partnership between the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) and the Rural Development Administration (RDA) of South Korea has made...

Before modern science, Filipino rice farmers relied on superstitions for bountiful harvests ...

A resistant variety and a fungus used as a treatment for blast disease offer Cambodian farmers a safer disease management option. ...

A panicle of traditional basmati (Basmati 370) cultivated in Ranbir Singh Pura and adjoining villages in the Jammu region. (Photo: IRRI) . Aromatic rice...

The rice varietal cafeteria provides a space where farmers and other stakeholders interact, discuss, give feedback, learn, and decide on their varietal...

We generate some very useful data and we let that data go to waste by 1) not being very innovative in our data interpretations, 2) not letting that data...

Often we see research as being “research” and scaling technology as work that development organizations do. What we often fail to see is that...

“Our vision is to be the center of excellence for rice breeding in the world. We want the world to look up to IRRI for what we create, offer, and...

It started with five seed minikits in 2013. Today, more than 75% of the farmers in Katindol Village are growing Swarna-Sub1. ...