South Korean landscape management techniques a model for sustainable agriculture South Korean landscape management techniques a model for sustainable agriculture May 20, 2020 South Korea’s traditional and contemporary farming techniques are adapted to a variety of environmental conditions and can...Read More
Punjab rice farmers switch to direct seeding method Punjab rice farmers switch to direct seeding method May 19, 2020 Rice farmers in Punjab, India are shifting from the traditional rice nursery sowing and transplanting to direct...Read More
Benefits drive the adoption of rice straw management practices in the Mekong Delta Benefits drive the adoption of rice straw management practices in the Mekong Delta May 15, 2020 New research reveals the factors that can influence rice farmers in the Mekong Delta in their decision...Read More
Electric rat traps in rice fields cause fatal accidents in Indonesia Electric rat traps in rice fields cause fatal accidents in Indonesia May 15, 2020 Electric rat traps installed in rice fields accidentally killed six farmers in Sragen Regency, Central Java in...Read More
United Arab Emirates successfully grows rice in desert using smart farming technology United Arab Emirates successfully grows rice in desert using smart farming technology May 14, 2020 Korea’s Rural Development Administration (RDA) and the United Arab Emirates’ agricultural research institute have developed smart farming technology...Read More
Filipino farmers warned against rice viral diseases Filipino farmers warned against rice viral diseases May 12, 2020 The Philippine Rice Research Institute advised farmers to watch out for rice viral diseases including tungro, rice...Read More
Fiji urges farmers to grow more rice Fiji urges farmers to grow more rice May 11, 2020 Fiji’s Ministry for Agriculture urged sugarcane farmers to help improve the country’s rice sector by devoting half a...Read More
In retrospect: IRRI Annual Report 1969 In retrospect: IRRI Annual Report 1969 May 11, 2020 During 1969, the Institute named two new varieties, IR20 and IR22. They have the same yield potential...Read More
Drought-tolerant rice varieties help ensure food security in Eastern India Drought-tolerant rice varieties help ensure food security in Eastern India May 7, 2020 Sahbhagi dhan and other drought-tolerant rice varieties can be viable and deliverable technologies for reducing poverty in...Read More
Hundreds of Kenyan rice farmers affected by flood Hundreds of Kenyan rice farmers affected by flood May 7, 2020 More than 600 rice farmers under the Bunyala Irrigation Scheme in Kenya suffered significant losses after floods damaged...Read More