Alaric Santiaguel

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Climate change-ready rice varieties are a milestone in doubling the income of Indian farmers. ...

Odisha, India—Demonstration plots have been used in introducing new varieties that are appropriate and beneficial to the growing conditions of the region...

Photo: IRRI-India Head-to-head (H2H) trials are an effective instrument for improving adoption and varietal replacement through informal seed diffusion....

With the right tools, ordinary people can be extraordinary agents of change. ...

An experiment focused on nitrogen use efficiency (organic and inorganic sources) and root system architecture concluded that varieties bred for high-nitrogen...

Specific fertilizer recommendations in smallholder rice farming systems could increase crop production while reducing pollution and greenhouse gas emissions....

Members of the Maa Thakurani SHG in Gananathpur Village in Kalahandi District select the best rice varieties and show their potential to become viable...

Definitions of “sustainable” that can be found in dictionaries include “able to be maintained at a certain rate or level,” “conserving an ecological...

Participants at an Evidence Hub in Puri District evaluating rice varieties. (Photo: IRRI India) Odisha, India—Agriculture in the state of Odisha is characterized...

Given the wide variability of farms across India, the Rice Crop Manager (RCM) is providing management recommendations tailored to each farmer’s field....