Finding the balance between the rice sector and the environment Finding the balance between the rice sector and the environment September 13, 2017 How can we boost production on existing rice lands, protect the environment, mitigate climate change impacts, and...Read More
The importance of sustainable rice supply systems The importance of sustainable rice supply systems September 13, 2017 Rice plays a crucial role in realizing the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goal to end hunger, achieve food...Read More
The role of science, technology, and innovation in reducing poverty and hunger The role of science, technology, and innovation in reducing poverty and hunger September 6, 2017 Innovations are occurring in all areas of science and, like the industrial revolution in the early 1800s that...Read More
Winning science: Meet the awardees of the first IRRI Seed Grant Scheme Winning science: Meet the awardees of the first IRRI Seed Grant Scheme August 30, 2017 The International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) delivers through research excellence. The IRRI Seed Grant Scheme was launched...Read More
Africa’s new roots Africa’s new roots August 23, 2017 Can Africa be the next global rice production frontier?Read More
Helping meet the food needs of every individual through science and technology Helping meet the food needs of every individual through science and technology August 16, 2017 Proven technologies, policies, and institutional resources need to be collectively adopted to ensure the mitigation of stress-driven...Read More
CRISPR-Cas system: Revolutionizing the genetic blueprint of rice CRISPR-Cas system: Revolutionizing the genetic blueprint of rice August 10, 2017 Recent advances with the CRISPR system— the world’s most promising gene-editing tool—could increase the speed of rice...Read More
Plant phenomics: unlocking the potential of rice diversity Plant phenomics: unlocking the potential of rice diversity August 3, 2017 The emerging field of plant phenomics combines biology, engineering, and data analytics to overcome laborious, expensive, and,...Read More
The hybrid alternative for Africa The hybrid alternative for Africa July 28, 2017 5 Developing the hybrid rice technology capacity of national partners, farmers, nongovernment organizations, and the private sector is...Read More
Orlando Peixoto de Morais (1949-2017) Orlando Peixoto de Morais (1949-2017) July 26, 2017 The most outstanding rice breeder in Brazilian history started a new era of rice cultivars and leaves...Read More