Of rice and rats Of rice and rats July 16, 2007 “Nature has sent the rats to our homesteads by thousands, and farmers are being eaten off the...Read More
Fertile progress Fertile progress July 4, 2007 Nitrogen (N) is without doubt the nutrient that most limits rice production. It is typically required in...Read More
Black soil, green rice Black soil, green rice April 16, 2007 . In the 1870s, scientists exploring Amazonia in South America made an unusual discovery. Working independently, James...Read More
Rice and the river Rice and the river April 16, 2007 Wars ripped apart the social fabric of the Mekong basin in the 1960s and 1970s, bringing suffering...Read More
Acid water, hot mud, and damaged rice Acid water, hot mud, and damaged rice April 16, 2007 Volcanoes are a double edged sword for the rice farmers of East Java. In many areas,...Read More
The rice man of Africa The rice man of Africa April 16, 2007 With his gentle smile and calm demeanor, Monty Jones doesn’t look like the proverbial...Read More
Once were rice fields Once were rice fields January 15, 2007 The road to Albay from the Los Baños headquarters of the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) is...Read More
In search of new seeds In search of new seeds January 15, 2007 It is said that if you want to be a good gardener you should always sow three...Read More
Prosperity, pollution, and the green revolution Prosperity, pollution, and the green revolution January 15, 2007 The logic of the Green Revolution—spurred by the introduction of modern high-yielding crops in the 1960s—was that...Read More
Conserving the future Conserving the future October 13, 2006 You’ve been farming for 20 years. You do things as your father did them, and his father...Read More