Climate change-ready rice varieties are a milestone in doubling the income of Indian farmers. ...

Rice, cultivated in the flood plains along the Niger River and its tributaries in Nigeria’s northern states, is regularly inundated by floods. In 2015,...

Swarna-Sub1 not only helps farmers in the low-lying areas of South Asia cope with floods. For women farmers, the flood-tolerant rice variety reduces their...

Shri Radha Mohan Singh, the Indian Union Agriculture Minister, declared the flood-tolerant rice, Swarna-Sub1, as a major innovation with great...

A while back, I read an interesting story extolling the merits of the new flood-tolerant rice, Swarna-Sub1, in the newsletter of the Stress-Tolerant Rice...

A seed of rice that could transform the developing world saved Asha Ram Pal’s farm in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh in the summer of 2008. Mr. Pal...

SUDHANSHU SINGH (in checkered shirt) talks with the farmers in a village in Odisha to monitor the performance of flood-tolerant Swarna-Sub1 (background)...

Mana filled with freshly harvested Swarna-Sub1. (Photo: Debdutt Behura) Swarna-Sub1 is the flood-tolerant version of the popular mega-variety Swarna (MTU...