The Learning Alliance: A coalition for change The Learning Alliance: A coalition for change October 5, 2015 Millions of Asian rice farmers struggle with low-quality grains, which are brought about by poor postharvest management,...Read More
Rice Research to Production short course helps young scholars advance their careers in rice science Rice Research to Production short course helps young scholars advance their careers in rice science October 1, 2015 Getting their feet wet in rice paddies, three Asia Rice Foundation USA (ARFUSA) grant winners and other...Read More
Tiny wasps protect rice in the Mekong Tiny wasps protect rice in the Mekong September 14, 2015 Trichogramma are tiny beneficial wasps that feed on the eggs of several pests, including stemborers and leaffolders....Read More
Secret unlocked to underwater rice seed survival Secret unlocked to underwater rice seed survival September 11, 2015 A team of scientists from the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) and the University of California Riverside...Read More
Rice against the tide Rice against the tide August 12, 2015 A new breed of rice is helping Filipino farmers in Bohol cope with seawater encroaching on their...Read More
Côte d’Ivoire: An emerging rice powerhouse in West Africa Côte d’Ivoire: An emerging rice powerhouse in West Africa August 12, 2015 Once a rice exporter, Côte d’Ivoire has spent in recent years nearly USD 500 million annually on...Read More
A rice breeder’s odyssey from surfer to scientist—and onward to “Mars” A rice breeder’s odyssey from surfer to scientist—and onward to “Mars” July 1, 2011 David Mackill grew up in San Diego, California, in the 1960s and early ‘70s, enjoying the life...Read More
Scuba rice: Stemming the tide in flood-prone South Asia Scuba rice: Stemming the tide in flood-prone South Asia April 14, 2009 2 Scientists had long known an Indian rice variety, unromantically dubbed FR13A, that could handle a week or...Read More