This Primer describes the history of rice domestication, the importance of wild relatives of rice for crop improvement, and the domestication of wild species...

There are several reasons for low varietal replacement rates. These include the lack of extension services and access to newly developed high-yielding,...

Sahbhagi dhan and other drought-tolerant rice varieties can be viable and deliverable technologies for reducing poverty in drought-prone areas in Eastern...

IRRI will continue to be the center of excellence in rice science. We have to continue to play that vital role in the same sense. In the future, we have...

“Our vision is to be the center of excellence for rice breeding in the world. We want the world to look up to IRRI for what we create, offer, and...

A proposed standard for determining the reliability of genetic markers makes modern integrated breeding approaches more consistent in designing better...

The International Rice Genebank at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) made worldwide headlines when it received permanent funding from the...

A new approach in showcasing the advantages of stress-tolerant rice varieties is helping convince more farmers to make better choices.  An H2H trial...

The Green Super Rice project has made great progress in the past ten years using advances in rice functional genomic studies, which have identified hundreds...

(Photo: China National Hybrid Rice Research & Development Center©) Replacing half of the rice-growing areas in the world with hybrid rice varieties...