It has been suggested that public breeders should put more emphasis on the integration of public good aspects into their work as compared to private enterprises,...

Increasing cropping intensity in fallow lands could substantially improve food production and enhance the livelihoods of rural communities in Odisha. ...

Sahbhagi dhan and other drought-tolerant rice varieties can be viable and deliverable technologies for reducing poverty in drought-prone areas in Eastern...

IRRI will continue to be the center of excellence in rice science. We have to continue to play that vital role in the same sense. In the future, we have...

The most significant achievement of the year was the thorough testing and the eventual naming of a rice variety by the Institute. From mid-1965 through...

The Institute inaugurated in midyear a program to train a limited num­ber of rice production specialists and to assist Philippine government agen­cies...

The international program of the Institute has, as its main objective, the dissemination of ideas and materials. The research scholars in training at the...

Participants learning the basics of quality rice seed production at a ToT held at IRRI in Odisha. (Photo: IRRI India) . Quality seed is not only the most...

The rice varietal cafeteria provides a space where farmers and other stakeholders interact, discuss, give feedback, learn, and decide on their varietal...

We generate some very useful data and we let that data go to waste by 1) not being very innovative in our data interpretations, 2) not letting that data...