A new varietal delivery program designed to win farmers’ hearts and minds A new varietal delivery program designed to win farmers’ hearts and minds January 29, 2019 A new approach in showcasing the advantages of stress-tolerant rice varieties is helping convince more farmers to...Read More
Developing mechanically dense transplanting of single seedlings for hybrid rice production in China Developing mechanically dense transplanting of single seedlings for hybrid rice production in China January 3, 2019 2 Rice production plays a critical role in achieving food self-sufficiency in China where more than 65% of...Read More
Stepping up efforts to make the most out of rice straw in the Philippines Stepping up efforts to make the most out of rice straw in the Philippines December 21, 2018 10 In intensive flooded rice systems that predominate in much of Asia, the management of crop residues can...Read More
A woman overcomes the challenge of climate change with stress-tolerant rice A woman overcomes the challenge of climate change with stress-tolerant rice December 10, 2018 With her crop surviving nearly two weeks of submergence and recovering from an intense flood, Mrs. Devi...Read More
The carbon sequestration dilemma in rice soils The carbon sequestration dilemma in rice soils December 10, 2018 Is it possible to sequester carbon in rice soils while reducing greenhouse gas emissions? What are the...Read More
How soil and climate-smart agriculture can fight climate change How soil and climate-smart agriculture can fight climate change November 28, 2018 Soil has an immense potential in reducing the concentration of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere by storing...Read More
New improved rice varieties for Burundi today, food security for Africa tomorrow New improved rice varieties for Burundi today, food security for Africa tomorrow November 16, 2018 Read More
How rice became a staple in British restaurants (and how you can ride the “rice wave”) How rice became a staple in British restaurants (and how you can ride the “rice wave”) November 13, 2018 The year 2018 ushered a love for food from all over the world. With this fascination came...Read More
A balancing act in Africa’s inland valleys A balancing act in Africa’s inland valleys October 29, 2018 Inland valleys are increasingly being considered as Africa’s future food baskets and unlocking their vast potential through...Read More