Jagyasini Dharua’s story is one of adversity and optimism, from a struggling farmer to a leader, in a male-dominated sector ...

The adoption of stress-tolerant rice varieties in 22 districts in Nepal is leading the way to sustainable rice production and food security in the country....

Noel Magor, Nollie Vera Cruz, Roland Buresh, and J.K. Ladha boxed their papers and passed the baton on to their successors in 2017. These Pioneer Interviews...

The rice industry stakeholders in Myanmar continue to develop solutions for sustaining agricultural development, and the continuous support of IRRI and...

A women’s self-help group in a small village in Odisha leads the way in innovative learning that could lead to higher benefits and profits for farmers. ...

As climate patterns become more unpredictable, rice farmers are relying on a modern way of to forecast the monsoon rains. ...

Through self-help groups, rural women are witnessing changes in their role in the agricultural sector: from “invisible” farm laborers to entrepreneurs....

The United Nations Environment Programme’s focus in the rice sector is borne not only from its importance in feeding a growing and economically developing...

Women’s empowerment has been chosen as one of the key dimensions in assessing social sustainability in the SRP because women play a critical role in...

BRAC will play a key role in attaining food security through improved agricultural productivity in coastal Bangladesh ...