Leading by example, many farmers in the village are now following Nirmala Sapkota and her farming techniques as the changing climate continues to adversely...

RICE aims to reduce poverty and hunger, improve human health and nutrition, adapt rice-based farming systems to climate change, promote women’s empowerment...

Integrating gender in agricultural research is no longer a debate; it is about doing it effectively. ...

Women are increasingly establishing their identity as efficient and knowledgeable farmers in their community, thus increasing the scope of inclusion and...

An update on three women farmers in India who were successful in their quest to rewrite their destiny. ...

Loop surveys were conducted in the wet and dry season every four to five years from 1966-67 to 2011-12—the longest farm surveys in existence—in which...

When women are empowered, their families, children, the next generation, and their communities are empowered, too. ...

Sixty farmers participated in evaluating new salinity-tolerant rice varieties in a farmer’s field in Meikhtilar District, Mandalay to identify new high-yielding...

In India, self-help groups have made a tremendous impact on the lives of poor women in rural areas.  ...

STRASA has ensured that the seed interventions are not isolated and random initiatives, but active catalysts that contribute to the livelihood of the women...