As breeders continue to search for ways to improve crop varieties to enable farmers to sustainably produce more grains and contribute to global food security,...

The rapid shift from healthy choices to unhealthy food choices due to the lure of lower prices, ease of preparation, and more palate appeal has driven...

Drought incidence in rain-fed areas is the major abiotic stress especially to rice growing in around 23 million ha areas in India, the dry spells of different...

The 2010 study examined the decreasing grain yield of IR8, which was the first modern rice variety of the Green Revolution, and provides strong justification...

In the 1950s, Asia is on the brink of famine. Food is scarce and millions of people are in danger of suffering from starvation. So, in 1960, IRRI was established...

We like to say that Filipinos love their rice but my time at the Heirloom Rice Project showed me that to Cordillerans, heirloom rice is more than just...

There are several reasons for low varietal replacement rates. These include the lack of extension services and access to newly developed high-yielding,...

Sahbhagi dhan and other drought-tolerant rice varieties can be viable and deliverable technologies for reducing poverty in drought-prone areas in Eastern...

IRRI will continue to be the center of excellence in rice science. We have to continue to play that vital role in the same sense. In the future, we have...

The most significant achievement of the year was the thorough testing and the eventual naming of a rice variety by the Institute. From mid-1965 through...