Different extension approaches have been used to bridge the knowledge gap between researchers and farmers. A mix of different channels and modes works...

A proposed standard for determining the reliability of genetic markers makes modern integrated breeding approaches more consistent in designing better...

The International Rice Genebank at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) made worldwide headlines when it received permanent funding from the...

Given an opportunity, women could demonstrate their competencies and show they are not second-rate to men. ...

Dr. McCouch (shown here with laboratory technician Marifa Lanuang Corral using liquid nitrogen to harvest tissue from IRRI field plot–grown rice plants...

A new approach in showcasing the advantages of stress-tolerant rice varieties is helping convince more farmers to make better choices.  An H2H trial...

IRRI has worked in Burundi since 2008 to enhance national capacity in breeding and research on rice and rice-based systems in the country. These will amplify...

A former agronomist at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) looks back at his long and productive career. (Photos by Isagani Serrano, IRRI)...

Inland valleys are increasingly being considered as Africa’s future food baskets and unlocking their vast potential through ecological management could...

The adoption of stress-tolerant rice varieties in 22 districts in Nepal is leading the way to sustainable rice production and food security in the country....