Developing new climate-resilient rice varieties and technologies is simply not enough to mitigate the impact of climate change on rice production and increase...

There is a pressing need to look for sustainable ways to accelerate the production, dissemination, and adoption of new rice varieties to meet future demand...

Because of low rainfall and lack of irrigation infrastructure, water management is often not an option for rainfed lowland rice farmers. But, thanks to...

Do rice plants have a wild adaptive trait that is counterproductive to aerobic cropping systems?  ...

For thousands of Bangladeshi farmers in flood-prone areas, growing rice is a risk they have to take each season. ...

Today’s challenges facing scientists are greater than they were 50 years ago. Fortunately, available scientific tools and on-farm technologies are far...

Climate change-ready rice varieties are a milestone in doubling the income of Indian farmers. ...

Odisha, India—Demonstration plots have been used in introducing new varieties that are appropriate and beneficial to the growing conditions of the region...

Photo: IRRI-India Head-to-head (H2H) trials are an effective instrument for improving adoption and varietal replacement through informal seed diffusion....

With the right tools, ordinary people can be extraordinary agents of change. ...